Tour to KR

Just as I left my friend from Kuy Teav Touk, I went back home in order to bring my Mum and my bro to Phnom Penh Airport. They are going to Korea. Knowing that I'll be alone coming back home, my Granny said she's going with me. Before all the lugage was placed in the car, my big bro called and told he would be home in any minute in order to bring Mum and Bang Phoung to PP Airport. So, totally, I don't have to drive and I'm not coming back home alone.

Anyway, please have a look at the tourist who's going to visit Seoul, Korea:

Little Bobee in her cool dress and way to go with her V style ^_^

My Bro with his charm no mater how sick he is lolz...

My sis, as usual, nice hairdo and new dress, beautiful always!

My mum in her blue color. Lovely everyday!


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