Let's Draw!

House has been under construction for so long and I've seen lots of construction pics. Now this is different:
Look at what they are all doing. Isn't it fun? I can't wait to be home and draw too cos I know there are spaces for me and my sis, since dad told them to keep some for us haha...

My niece with her mama's drawing. I love this one most. LOok at those word Mickey said!

PS: I Miss home!


  1. Wow, that is really really great!! waiting to see more!!

  2. aww, cool!! I alway wish to draw on da wall in my room, my mom said no all da time :(

  3. I'm so touch too, sis. Look at everyone. I miss them.

    PS Anyway, feel like 'uh oh,what am I going to do with the painting'????


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