Kota's Parade

These are pictures taken from Kanha's, Ricky's, and my cam. I gotta tell that these are the best I can get from the 3 cam lolz... Enjoy!

On our way to join the parade
Don't mind my messy hair ne, it just can't be helped lolz...

Getting ready


Alright, Coconut dance once again (but with new comer, guess who?)

Walking around the village(?)
I look too happy here

Bad Kohai, what are you doing with my head?

Got lost
Poor us lolz...

Finally, we are on the right train on our way back home
3 dancers and a very helpful girl(?)

It was a very tiring day. We left school around 13.30 but arrived at our destination at around 15.30, which is later than the plan was. The weather was very hot. We gotta perform at an open space. I was shaking though this is my 4th time already. I somehow enjoy the parade very much. Since our CD player doesn't properly, first technical problem, later was out of gasoline, we all sang. Plus, we danced. Now I feel more and more of a CAMBODIAN. I enjoy the parade, not only because I can dance and sing with friends, but also to have such an opportunity to show the world that THIS IS CAMBODIA.


  1. Cool ne!!
    Just look at these pictures, feel so much excited !!

  2. Yeah, we made it. We're Cambodian! \(^_-)/

  3. Absolutely fantastic! What's a wonderful day you've got. Love the costume you put on, and they look just lovely, a symbol of our tradition. Yeah, go Cambodian!


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