Goodbye 'my clothes' ... wait!!! NO!?

I have a problem. I doubt if anyone out there has the same problem like mine. Every time I need to throw or sent away any cloth I no longer needed, I find no courage to see them gone. Not even if they are torn apart. Not even if they are useless. Not even if they are outdated. Not even if I am not gonna wear them again. Whenever I tell myself that this is it, this is for the best, this is for more cloth (which means more shopping Yay!), this is a must,... still, my closet just keep on loading more and more and more and more and ... of old clothes. Hum...


  1. Think about the good part that other people will make a better use out of that. Plus, I do not see enough space of your wardrobe back home for your clothes from Japan. hahahahaha

  2. haha you used to wear it so you wouldn't feel like giving it up lolz... :D if not throw it away, the news will not come in! haha

  3. I guess it happens to most people, dear. I think Touch is right!

  4. Because the memory is there in each and every cloth I own, I find it hard to see them creating another memory with another owner :( But alright, maybe I will have to get them out of my closet someday :(


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