Pheanouk First Time to the Beach/Sea

Pheanouk has traveled to a number of countries. He has traveled locally too. Yet, setting his feet onto the sand and the sea have not yet been accomplished. Hence, we traveled to Kompong Som on Saturday morning and return the next day for his very first trip to the beach/sea.

It was a beautiful experience and Pheanouk loves to play on the sand! And I enjoyed taking pic too!

Day 1: Pheanouk and Nak Mday before getting into the water and dirty in the sand
Day 1: Pheanouk is exploring walking on the sand
Day 1: Pheanouk gets better waking in the sand
Day 1: Pheanouk gets to play with the sand

Day 1: Nak Mday and Mak Yay also enjoyed playing in the sand
Day 1: Nak Mday and Papa also played more than Pheanouk
Day 1: Nak Mday and Papa looked at who?
Day 1: Pheanouk didn't want to waste any moment for a picture than to play!
Day 1: Pheanouk still focus on the sand
Day 1: Before we get into the water
Day 1: Before we get soaked
Day 1: After dinner
Day 1: After dinner
Day 2: Sand again early in the morning!
Day 2: After pool is sand!
Day 2: Let's go for the sea
Day 2: Before returning to PP
Day 2: Pheanouk and Papa time


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